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Importance of Developing Math Skills in Toddlers

When do you intend your kid to start studying math? In most cases, your kid will go to school when they are two or two and a half, and all they do is color the whole day. But, did you know that kids at that age should start learning math?

It seems like a complex idea that a kid less than three years should know math, but there are basic math elements that your kid can be taught. In addition to coloring and looking at pictures, your kid can play and learn numbers, shapes, patterns, and how to measure; as well as the collection and organization of information.

Math Skills Develop at Toddler Age

When your baby finally learns how to form a few words, even before they learn to form concrete sentences they have the capacity to learn math. Research reveals that the left side of the brain, which deals with math, calculations and science starts developing at that early age. The brain cells are actively dividing at this age, and if a kid learns how to grasp some elements in math, they will grow up to be good at it.

There are several ways to tutor kids who are three years and younger to make them better at math. A qualified tutor should have no problem teaching math to a toddler and helping them grasp a number of concepts. If they do not get that at school, hire a tutor to do it for you.

Math is the Basis of other Skills

You cannot belittle the importance of math to the development of a child. If you might have noticed, people who are good at math tend to be good in other disciplines too especially the sciences. Seeing that math is in many aspects of life, developing the left side of the brain, which is the “math center” benefits memory and the ability to grasp other concepts.

Being exposed to math from an early age, the mind also gets trained to see things from different sides and to solve problems with great ease. By the time these kids are older, they are used to problem-solving, and it is therefore easy for them to tackle other subjects.

Studying Basic Math Concepts

Conventional schools will always follow the curriculum, and your toddler might not get as much exposure as they need. You can, therefore, hire a Math tutor Staten Island to coach your toddler or any other kid in math. You should identify a tutor that is good at teaching kids the basic concepts mentioned above. Toddlers will learn these concepts through singing them out and engaging in various activities throughout the day.

Start Today

If you want your kid to start studying math today, choose a good Staten Island tutor and get them to start showing your kid basic math concepts. Not only will this break the monotony of color and identifying pictures, but it will also help them develop other skills and be good in calculations in future.

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