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Test preparation tips for students

Preparing for any test requires good planning and self-evaluation before the actual test itself. In most cases, tests will not be based on the entire course content, but on the key critical points of the course. Therefore, it is important to have a good grasp of these points before taking the actual test. The following tips are useful for students preparing for their tests.

• Never Procrastinate

Never procrastinate or ‘keep it for a later date.’ Always keep a habit of planning your study time such that there is always enough time left. Last minute cramming not only congests your mind with many concepts at the same time, but also creates panic and tension which can be counterproductive during the test. Always start early enough.

• Planning for and study for the test.

Do not spend too much time trying to master the entire course, but study with the test in mind. Only give attention to the key points and outlines of the course that you are likely to be evaluated on.

With the key course concepts in mind, you can carry out a self-evaluation on each of the concepts by writing questions on them and trying to answer them yourself and even doing a mock marking to gauge your mastery and preparedness before the actual test.

• Study Groups and Tutoring

Forming study groups or finding a good tutor Staten Island has to offer prior to the test can also help in improving your concentration while prepping for a test. They help you brainstorm and even carry out mock predictions of what the tests might contain. If the course involves concepts that require memorizing, the groups make it easier to cram such concepts. Practicing on old exams with friends and ‘teaching’ your friends during such sessions enhances your brain power and mastery of the concept, as you get to be corrected by others.

• Mastery of Concept

Understanding the scope of the test also makes for good use of your time in prepping for tests. In cases where the scope is clearly communicated before the test, do not spend too much time deviating from irrelevant content as far as the test is concerned. If for example, a test is to be based on a practical or a specific concept, ensure that you have a mastery of this concept and what the possible theorems around it.

• Consulting

In cases where review sessions are organized before the tests are carried out, be sure to attend and ask questions to clear your doubts about any course concept you might be having. In cases where such are not organized by your trainer, take the initiative for such reviews with your supervisor or trainer if possible. You will be surprised that they might drop a clue here and there. Do not confuse this with cheating. It is a way of having a rapport with your trainer that exposes you to more knowledge than the ordinary learner. It also helps you gain confidence that’s equally vital for taking the test successfully.

• Materials

It goes without saying that any test requires test materials. These can include watches for timing, and even writing materials were not provided. It is therefore important to have all the required materials ready and in good condition before the test.

Take a break, eat well and have adequate rest before the actual test. This makes your mind work clearly during the test.

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